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Arlington, TN

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Town of Arlington on NPT's Tennessee Crossroads

Town of Arlington

Arlington, TN

There are many places in Tennessee where huge historic events took place: great battles, momentous meetings, culture-changing artistic movements. But there are many more places where people have lived their everyday lives without having been personally touched by a huge event in their hometown. So, the history of those places is found in everyday things. That certainly doesn't mean they are not interesting places to visit. Join Nashville Public Television's Tennessee Crossroads to find out more about the town of Arlington, TN.


Episode 3410 of Nashville Public Television's Tennessee Crossroads


Jefferson Street Sound Museum, Merengue Café, Providence House, Town of Arlington


Emery Franklin - Artist on NPT's Tennessee Crossroads

Emery Franklin – Artist

Arlington, TN

All of us have probably been given one of those water color paint sets, you know the metal ones with 6 or 8 colors and a brush. I guess we were expected to discover and use our artistic talents. I don't know about you, but it didn't work for me. But, Tennessee Crossroads met an Arlington, TN artist who not only found his talents early in life, he added musical skills along the way and now creates some paintings you can almost hear. Join Nashville Public Television's Tennessee Crossroads to find out more.


Slingshot Charlie's on NPT's Tennessee Crossroads

Slingshot Charlie’s

Arlington, TN

Some of the restaurants we discover for Tennessee Crossroads s disprove the old "location is everything" adage. Slingshot Charlie's in Arlington, TN is a prime example. The owner Betty Milton was determined to create the home-cooking haven of her dreams, a place called Slingshot Charlie's. Watch this and more episode segments of Nashville Public Television's Tennessee Crossroads.


Brunswick Kitchen on NPT's Tennessee Crossroads

Brunswick Kitchen

Arlington, TN

Joe Elmore visits the tiny West Tennessee town of Brunswick, home to a decades-old Friday night catfish tradition, which lives on at the Brunswick Kitchen.